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What is ?

It is a strategy of the Mexico region commercial team.

Whose objective is to generate an identity of the commercial team in front of the market and in front of the competition.

It is a platform that seeks to develop our clients by feeling part of our team.

What are you going to find?

On this platform you can find news about what is happening in the commercial area and you can interact live with all your colleagues through UNSTOPPABLE CONNECTION.

What can you do?

Read and find out what is happening in the news section. You can also interact with all the UNSTOPPABLES in the commercial area, uploading photos, commenting on them and reacting to them, just as you do with your social networks on a daily basis. You can do this through UNSTOPPABLE CONNECTION

Who are we here?

The entire sales team of the Traditional, Modern, B2B, Ecommerce channels and also the service areas of Sales Administration, Sales Operations, Catman and Customer Development.

Value Proposition

Strengthen the relationship with our clients and consumers, generating value proposals and plans that develop our brands.

Seeking to gain market share and growth in a profitable and sustainable manner. Generating in our team a sense of belonging, pride and winning attitude.

Our Pillars

 Focused on sales forces

Value propositions to accelerate the OS

Focused on our visibility in the POS and in the market.

Focused on business partners